Release Notes EZ-Compliance 2020b-SP0 (build

Release Notes EZ-Compliance 2020b-SP0 (build

New and/or Adjusted Functionality

  1. PAR initiation service will now report if one or more authorization(s) could end up having no Reviewer (TICKET 1520) 
    Upon initiation of a PAR Cycle, the reviewers per step are determined. In the situation that the Reviewer cannot be resolved for certain records, this will be logged in the PAR Log Start Event and the records for which no reviewer can be resolved are stored in a dedicated csv file.
  2. Review records not available for the newly added reviewer. (TICKET 1559)  
    If the PAR Owner adds a reviewer to a PAR Cycle Step via the Web-Portal, a warning message is presented that such added reviewer also needs to be configured per the defined reviewer type in the PAR definition.
    In the situation that the Reviewer Type for the Step is “Supervisor” the following message is displayed.

  3. PARs Close at beginning of day or end of day (TICKET 1566)  
    In the Environment a new section, Misc. has been created. In this section the existing setting for the PAR, Business Control Testing and Audit have been allocated. Additionally, for the PAR, 2 new settings are introduced:
    Use Close Date’s End of Day (if unchecked PARs will close right at the closing date)
    This option will determine the behavior on the Close Date of a PAR Cycle. By default, this setting is unchecked. If unchecked the PAR Cycle will close as soon as the Server Date reaches the close date. If checked the PAR Cycle will close at the end of the indicated close date day.
    Detect new Reviewers for ongoing Active PAR Cycles  
    If this setting is not checked, existing functionality will continue. If this setting is checked the following functionality is enabled.
    In the situation that there is a change in
  1. Employee Supervisor
  2. Employee SoD Owner
  3. Employee Type
  4. Employee Group
  5. Role Owner(s)
  6. Company Owner
  7. Business Function Owner

    and there are ongoing PAR Cycles which have one of these types as Reviewer, the updated Employee is added, if not already a reviewer on the Par Cycle Step, as a Reviewer to the PAR Cycle Step.
    As an example, if the Supervisor of an Employee is updated (either manual or through import) and such Employee is reviewed in an active PAR Cycle and the Reviewer Type is of Supervisor, the new Supervisor of this Employee is added to the appropriate PAR Cycle step as an ad-hoc reviewer and will receive email notification accordingly.
  1.  Role Import (from file) including ability to import Role Owners (TICKET 1598 and 1610)  
    In the Client Application the ability to Import the Roles and Role Owners is added. In the Client Role/Menus dialogue, the Action button is added. When clicking the Action button, the Import button can be selected

    The Import button results in the Role Import dialogue

    The Import Source file needs to be of CSV format, with the pipe as delimiter.
    Format of the input file: 
    Role Code|Role Description|Company|Role Owner
    The option “Regenerate Role Owner(s) relations indicates if the Role Owners (per Company) are to be added to the existing data or whether it needs to replace existing Role Owners (per Company).
  1. PAR Reviewer Progress Email - Employee Account Information added in log record (TICKET 1623) 
    When the PAR Owner is sending Progress Notifications to Reviewers, the information to which reviewers this progress notification is send is now included in the PAR’s Event History Logs.
  2. Added the PAR Event History Logs to the Web Portal  
    From the report “My PAR as Owner” the PAR Owner can View the Event History Log from the contextual menu.

    The View Event History Logs will generate a report including the PAR Cycle events and details as these are included in the PAR Cycle log.  
  3. Employee Authorization Group Information included in Authorization Report (TICKET 1625)  
    The fields Authorization Employee Group Code and Authorization Employee Group Description have been added to be visible by default in the Web Portal Authorization Report (ID-0)
  4. PAR - Added Reasons to PAR Action (TICKET 1633)  
    The ability to document a reason with a PAR Action is added. The use of this feature is optional. It can be used to document the reason for the action or as specification how the action is to be implemented. 
    When configuring the PAR in the Client a 4th tab is added, in which the reason per action can be documented: 

    With the right-click on the grid, the contextual menu is presented. Select “Add”. This will bring the following dialogue:

    In the field Action, the PAR Action is selected for which the Reason is to be documented. The sequence number indicated the ordering (per Action) of the Reasons as presented to the Reviewer in the Web Portal. In the field Value / English, the Reason description can be added. If other language packages are installed, the reason can also be documented in other languages and will be presented the Reviewer in their appropriate language.

    The reviewer will document the action and reason in the web-portal. The lay-out of the pop up has changed slightly.

    The Work instructions are moved to the top of the dialogue since it is to be read first. Furthermore, the field “Reason” is added in which one value can be selected from the drop down. If Reasons for the particular action are configured, it is mandatory that a value is selected.
    The field reason is also added to the appropriate Web Portal Reports and Client Grids, including the Archive.
  5. Web Portal Report – Reviewers Progress
    Added the ability to filter on and show only the selected Reviewers to whom a Progress Notification is to be sent.
    At the bottom of the report the user can select which records to show:

  6. Web Portal Report – Authorization Reviews (Role Level Review)
    In the Web Portal Report in which the Reviewer must do a Role Level Review, the column Diagram has been removed, since this column will always be empty.
  7. Web Portal Report – Authorization Reviews (Access Point Level Review)
    The option “View Authorization information" has been added to the contextual menu. This will bring a report with the then current authorizations for the selected record.
  8. DEM Import Module: Added file detection for newer LN Versions
    The DEM Import file Validation has been extended to include later version of LN
  1. PAR reviewers progress report (TICKET 1381)
    Resolved issues with incorrect calculation of the Progress of the Reviewers in the Reviewers Progress report for the PAR Owner.
  2. PAR Review report: (Un)select All on grouped column Note (TICKET 1568)
    Disabled the ability to use the “Select all/Deselect All” when grouped by the files Note 1, 2, 3 and 4
  3. PAR Log Export to Excel (TICKET 1577)
    Resolved an issue when exporting the PAR Log to excel in the client. The export would not export details even when selecting Yes.
  4. Web-Portal Version incorrect (TICKET 1582)
    Resolved the display of the incorrect Web-Portal Version in the About pop-up.
  5. My PAR as reviewers: Duplicated rows if user is reviewer AND substitute (TICKET 1589) 
    Resolved the fact that 2 rows were shown for the same PAR in My PAR as Reviewer, in the situation that a Reviewer was both the original reviewer and a substitute reviewer.
  6. PAR Issues in the Reviewers Progress Report (TICKET 1603) 
    Resolved issue with navigating to the next page in the PAR Reviewer Progress Report
  7. Employees - Show only Employees that have Authorizations (TICKET 1605) 
    Resolved an Unhandled Exception Error with the option to only show the Employees that have authorizations. This error only occurred in the situation with large data volume.
  8. Internal Error Executing your Request (TICKET 1614) 
    As PAR Reviewer this error could occur in rare occasions, in the situation were a significant number of reviewers were simultaneously executing a Review.
  9. Default Welcome Screen not taken into Account (TICKET 1616) 
    Resolved an issue with the default web-portal home page.
  10. PAR Percentage not calculated (TICKET 1618) 
    Resolved issue with the Progress Percentage Calculation in various web-portal reports.
  11. PAR Cycle Log - Load Grid link is disabled (TICKET 1619)
    Resolved issue with the clear / load grid hyperlink in the Client PAR Cycle Review Log grid.
  12. Saving PAR - Unhandled Exception Error (TICKET 1620) 
    Resolved an unhandled exception error when saving a PAR which was duplicated from another PAR.
  13. PAR Query – Data-source selection (TICKET 1622) 
    Resolved an issue with the PAR Scope definition if the field Datasource was used in the scope query.
  14. Progress Notifications not taking FYI emails into account (TICKET 1631) 
    Resolved an issue were the PAR FYI Progress email addresses (as defined in the first tab) were not receiving a cop of the Progress Notifications.
  15. Archive PAR - Update database failed (TICKET 1635) 
    Resolved an issue when Archiving a PAR Cycle and this PAR Cycle was already archived. Also updated the label in the Client from “Archive” to “Archive and Delete”. This to be clear about the actions which would take place in case the PAR Cycle(s) would be archived. 

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