New and/or Adjusted Functionality
Report id 73 - Actual vs Historical Employee Access Report (TICKET 2065)
The following columns are added to the report:
- Access Point Description
- Access Mode
The report column order has been changed to:
- Datasource
- Employee
- Company
- Role
- Role Description
- Access Point
- Access Point Description
- Access Mode (only for Granted Authorizations)
- Included in SoD
- From
- To
- Count
Report id 138 - Actual vs Historical Access Points Report (TICKET 2066)
The following columns are added to the report:
- Access Point Description
- Access Mode
Note: in the situation that a Company / Access Point combination is present for more than 1 Access Mode, more lines can be presented, one for each combination Company / Access Point / Access Mode). Each of these lines will have the same Historical Data shown (From, To and Count)
The report column order has been changed to:
- Data Source Company
- Access Point
- Access Point Description
- Access Mode (only for Granted Authorizations)
- Included in SoD
- From
- To
- Count
Help Integration (TICKET 2070)
The help button in the Client and the Portal are now pointing to a Dynaflow controlled web-help. This web help is only accessible from the client and portal and not directly.
Automated Conflict Export - Add Diagram Title 1+2 (TICKET 2078)
The automated conflict export resulting file now also include the columns Diagram Title 1 and 2
Authorizations Export (with forced column ordering)(TICKET 2079)
A new service option is available to export the authorization (per company or all) based on a NT Schedule. The generated file does have a forced column ordering:
- Data Source
- Master Employee
- Employee Account
- Employee Name
- Job position
- Employee Department Name
- Employee Department Description
- Employee Division
- Employee's Supervisor
- Company
- Company Description
- Role
- Role Description
- Diagram
- Diagram Title
- DEM Utility
- Top Menu
- Child Menu
- Access Point
- Access Point Description
- Access Mode
- Access Level
- Critical
- Custom
- Sensitive
- Created Manually
- Authorization Parent Access Point Description
- Authorization Parent Access Point
- Authorization Employee Group
- Authorization Employee Group Description
- Number of Occurrence
- Id
The automated authorization export can be configured as follow:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\EZ-Process\EZ-Compliance.exe" /ODBC:repository_name /AUTO:14
This will yield a filed per company with the authorizations.
“C:\Program Files (x86)\EZ-Process\EZ-Compliance.exe" /ODBC: repository_name /AUTO:14 /FF:all
This will yield one file with ALL authorizations.
Resolution Rule Change (TICKET 2083)
Upon saving changes to an existing Resolution Rule, the Resolution Data (per the Resolution Rule) as applied to the conflicts is removed from the conflicts. In the Resolution Rule audit log, now all the conflicts id are included for which the resolution data is removed.
Bug Fixes
Conflict of Forced and Scheduled close on PAR Cycle (TICKET 2063)
In case a PAR Cycle is forced closed from the client grid, a check is added to validate that the PAR Cycle is not already closed by the schedule. If the PAR Cycle is already closed, a message "This Review Cycle cannot be Closed at the moment. The grid data is probably out of sync and will be refreshed upon clicking OK." is shown.
Client - Conflicting Role Details - Access Mode 2 is missing in the grid (TICKET 2071)
In the Client application, in the Grid “SoD Conflicts - Conflicting Role Details” the attribute Access Mode 2 was missing and has been added.
Report 43 (My PARs As Reviewer) yielding no results (TICKET 2084)
For a PAR Cycle with reviewee of Type Role Owner, the Reviewer will not see the PAR Cycles to conduct the review. This issue is resolved.
EZ-Compliance Service (EZCompTesting)
When the service expires a Business Control based on the set expiration date on the Control, the Control Event History Record was not created. This is resolved and now the Control Event History record is created.