Release Notes EZ-Compliance 2023a-SP0-HF5 (

Release Notes EZ-Compliance 2023a-SP0-HF5 (

EZ-Compliance 2023a-SP0-HF5 (build

New and/or Adjusted Functionality

Employee to Employee Group Relationship (TICKET 2165)

When an ACR XML is received and processed, and the ACR includes Employee Group Information for that Employee, the relationship is created, if not already existing. This will allow any Resolution Rules which are based on the Employee Group to be properly applied. After the Preventive Scan (Authorizations and Conflicts) the relationship to the Employee Group is removed. In the situation the Relationship was already existing before the ACR was received, the relationship is not removed.

ACR XML Preventive Scan (TICKET 2177)

The existing XML message (xxxxxx_output.xml) is only published after the Authorization and Conflict reports are published.
Also a new XML message (xxxxxx_SentProcessed.xml) upon receiving the ACR. This message indicates the ACR XML is received and will be processed. The output message indicates the completion of the processing. 

PAR Action Pop Up window – Role Change attribute (TICKET 2190)

The Attribute “Role Change” is now only showing in the situation that 
  1. The Access Review is of Review Level “Access Point” or “Business Function”
  2. ACR’s are to be created at the end of the PAR Cycles
When the user is registering the review action, the attribute will become visible.

In the (client) from dialog “Activities related to Diagrams, the related sub-application modeling information can bee shown. There no indication in the “Activities related to Diagram”  dialog l whether there is sub-application modeling information available. A new column is added “# of Sub-Application Modeling Children” indicating if and how much sub-applications are modeled.

Export of PAR Details (TICKET 2205)

A new option is added to the contextual menu in the Client Dialog “Periodical Employee Authorizations Reviews” to export the PAR Details. This export is available for PAR of the review level “Company, Role and Access Point”. The export is NOT available for PAR Cycles of Review level “Business Function”.

Executing this option will export the PAR Details to a CSV file which will be stored in the SODReports folder. and the CSV file will be emailed to the user initiating the Export (email needs to be available in the Employee table). The file name format is YYYYMMDD_PARCode_Cycle# (YYYYMMDD = current date).

The PAR Details can also be exported on a scheduled job. This will generate a CSV file for each PAR Cycle of status In Progress. These files are emailed to the email addresses as configured in the Environment Settings, folder Notifications.

The CSV format is predefined:

Review level – Role and Company
  1. Employee Account
  2. Employee Name
  3. Job Position
  4. Employee’s Supervisor
  5. Role
  6. Role Description
  7. Reviewer
  8. Date
  9. Action
  10. Reason
  11. Note
  12. Data Source 
  13. Company
  14. Company Description
  15. Step Index
Review Level Access Point 
  1. Employee Account
  2. Employee Name
  3. Job Position
  4. Employee’s Supervisor
  5. Access Point
  6. Access Point Description
  7. Role
  8. Role Description
  9. Reviewer
  10. Date
  11. Action
  12. Reason
  13. Note
  14. Data Source 
  15. Company
  16. Company Description
  17. Critical
  18. Diagram 
  19. Access Mode
  20. Access Level
  21. Step Index

Bug Fixes

In the situation when saving a link on a Work Item with a Title, a Warning Message was shown that Title is mandatory and the Work Item could not be saved. This has been resolved and now the Work Item can be saved with a Link (url).

User Account Expiration (TICKET 2170)

In the situation an Employee was expired utilizing the batch expiration functionality, the log showed in the Network ID Column the User Name. This has been resolved and now the Network ID is shown.

Downloading file from Work Item (TICKET 2183)

In the situation where there are more documents attached to a Work Item, and a Work Item is selected to be downloaded, the first time a document that was not selected was downloaded. On the second try the right document was downloaded. This issue is resolved and now the selected document is downloaded on the first attempt.

Revert Work Item does not show (TICKET 2184)

In the situation an Executor of a Work Item Reverted the Work Item to a previous Work Item, the Work Item did not show for the Executor of the Reverted Work Item. This issue has been resolved. When reverting the Work Item the Status of the Work Item (reverted) is removed (back to Open) and this is also logged in the Event History. 

Conflict Scan Statistics (TICKET 2187)

The Conflict Scan Statistics as included in the Event Log History, could in certain situations be impacted by the Statistics of the Conflicting Role Scan. This issue has been resolved.

Conflict Scan Performance (TICKET 2188)

The Conflicting Role Scan (step 5 of the Conflict Scan) has been optimized for Run Time Performance.

Multi Edit of KPRI’s (TICKET 2189)

The attribute “Server Time” in the tab “Refresh Schedule” can not be edited when Editing multiple LPRI’s at the same time. This issue has been resolved.

PAR Configuration – Access Change Request (TICKET 2192)

The attribute Role Level Template in the PAR is showing empty (while value are entered) when the PAR status becomes “In Progress”. This issue has been resolved.

Business Function Access Web Portal Report (TICKET 2196)

The report did not take into account any Access to Manual Access Points in the Business Function Report. This issue has been resolved.

Automated Import/Scan Configuration – Employee Batch Expire (TICKET 2199)

While loading the saved settings, the configuration for the delimiter and delete source file are not showing the saved value. This issue has been resolved.

Client – Conflicting Role Details (TICKET 2200)

The column “SOD Rule Business Function 2”, is showing the heading “SoD Rule Business Function 1”. This issue is resolved.

Conflicting Roles – report id=160 does not show data (TICKET 2201)

In certain situation the Web Portal Report does not show any data. This issue has been resolved.

Roles – Delete (TICKET 2204)

When deleting Roles in the Client , this could result in an error message in case the Conflicting Role information is available. This issue has been resolved.

ACR XML – New User creation (TICKET 2207)

In the situation a new User is created, the attributes (if available in the XML) Department, User Type and SOD Owner are not correctly populated. This issue has been resolved.

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