New and/or Adjusted Functionality
Inclusion of Access point description in SOD Preventive scan Conflict report (TICKET 2243)
The Access Point Description has been added (at the end) to the excel Conflict Report which is generated when executing a Preventive Conflict Scan.
User Expiration (TICKET 2258)
In the situation an Employee is part of an Access Change Request, this Employee can not be expired, even if the ACR is completed, canceled or declined. This has been adjusted, an Employee can now be expired even if part of an ACR which completed, canceled or declined. Note that could be other reasons why an Employee can not be expired.
PAR Prevent Self Review
The ability to indicate whether Self Review is allowed or not on a PAR, is added. This can be done by adding a check box parameter in the Tab properties. Default setting is that it is allowed and for customers migrating to this version the parameter is also set that it is allowed, continuing existing behavior.
Cycle initiation
Upon initiating a PAR Cycle for
which the parameter is set that Self Review is NOT allowed a check is done
whether reviewers are assigned to one or more of their own access record. If
this is the case, the Self Review message is send to the PAR Owner and the
event is to be logged against the PAR Cycle including the detailed information.
PAR Cycle Review (Portal)
For PAR Cycles where the Self
Review is NOT allowed. Upon a Reviewer executing the Review and the Reviewer
selected one or more Review Records where the Reviewer is the Employee to be
Reviewed, upon clicking the review action, the Normal Review Pop Up is not presented,
instead the user receives a warning message:
“This Periodic Access Review is
configured to NOT allow the review of your own Access. Please unselect these
records to continue. Please contact the Periodic Access Review Owner for
additional information.
Listing of the Owner(s)”
Click OK to make the warning
message disappear and return to the PAR Review screen, with the same selection,
now allowing the user can de-select records.
EZ-Compliance Client: Employee Import (TICKET 2255)
Resolved issue with the Employee Import, where the wrong Employee Type could be used if its custom value is the same as the value of another enum (not being Employee Type)
Employee Network Id is not loaded into the authorizations (TICKET 2256)
With the openERP import (CSV) the Employee Network Id was not loaded into the authorizations. This has been resolved.